Arnaud Dumouch, 2005,
Sophie The little girl who died without the benefit of
My name is Sophie and I am five years old today. You will undoubtedly be surprised but I didn’t grow up on earth. However, this evening, I am going to make my communion, but not as you on earth: I am going to make my eternal communion: I’m going to see God and I’m as ready as I can be. My parents prepared for me a white dress and flowers in hair. They can explain my history to you. Careful, only a child's heart can understand what happened to me.
Sophie’s father:
Yes. What our little Sophie is sayings is true. Those of us who have had the opportunity to grow up on the earth, we found in heaven all the beauty of our child's heart. Here is her history.
She was the smallest of all the little girls when she arrived here. Her earthly parents were teenagers who had succumbed to the pleasures of the flesh. Unfortunately for Sophie who had been conceived two day before, the young woman had belatedly taken a morning after pill. Of course she never had a name then and her parents will never know of her existence till some 70 years, when they will finally arrive here.
If she is in agony how can she not feel?
The effects of the pill put Sophie into immediate agony and brought about her demise. Arriving at death’s door, she had a momentary fright, a very small fright. Then she found herself alone, in a void floating between both worlds, without with no one to care or love her. As the spirit of the damned in this inter-world, the Powers and Principalities began approaching her, we immediately arrived. By we, I mean my spouse and I as well as many other companions. We were husband and wife on earth and our biggest sorrow had been not to have, had any children. Then it was given to us to adopt her. I had known about her before my wife, because she had come to heaven after me. When I greeted her, « you are going to be a mother!” is the first thing I told her: Oh my! What radiance in her soul.
Sophie’s mother:
« I can’t even begin to think of the happiness waiting for me in Heaven; Each moment I wait makes my heart beat in anticipation of the love I will be able to give and receive: Have all the small children baptized, help the priests, the missionaries, and all the Church. »
Sophie was a very premature baby. As nobody on earth took care of her, right away we began by asking that she be christened. It’s on that day that we became her true parents. And at our request, the Spirit of God came to tenderly vibrate in her soul. But He did not yet allow her to behold Him. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. She must be readied for that big day. It is just a very soft vibration of her soul. The Spirit gently sways her in His arms and she loves since her heart is like an embrace for Him.
We know how furious Lucifer gets at these christenings, which, we perform at the time of a child’s death. He always tries to remind every one of the administrative rules. It quotes them and vigorous rigorous precision, chapter and verse.
‘’If only he had followed his own advice’’ I mused
- There is A) " The definite validity " of Adam and Eve’s primordial choice (quotation added for emphasis).
There is also B) the necessity of a christening performed with
1 ° water,
2 ° on earth and;
3 ° by the militant Church.
He has obviously convinced but a few of earth’s inhabitants’, amongst them, a few punctilious canonical specialists. Here on earth, we never cease short-circuiting these amusing restrictions. More and more of mankind everywhere in the world understands it and practice christenings by desire. Certain mothers here on earth, have adopted thousands of children.
Sophie’s guardian angel
His parents called her "Sophie", meaning "wisdom", and just so they could tell her story. But her true name is unpronounceable on earth. Her name is her soul, which the heavenly Hosts come visit her and congratulate the parents. Each beams over the tiny sleeping creature and sees her as another pearl from God. Here, we have entire worlds, worlds filled with plant and animal marvels. But when a small new wonder such as Sophie arrives everyone wants to see her, wants to visit.
Sophie’s godfather and godmother
All her attributes are in full development. We are raising her according to God’s established precepts since her arrival here, five years ago. We live with her in an intermediate place, which is neither heaven or earth but a children’s world. Everything here happens differently than on earth. Our authority doesn’t require sanctions. Sophie does not have that ingrained spirit of revolt common to children on earth. It’s that characteristic which will makes our child forever innocent and blameless. This in some respect is unfortunate because earthly challenges in spite of disappointments and failures ignite and enflame the heart and soul for eternity. She will not be tested with her own series of internal conflicts, only the experience gentle of growth. She plays with other children. And, as time goes by she gets closer and closer to making autonomous choices. As soon as her will and intelligence mature we will introduce her for her communion. We speak to her about God, his plan, and Lucifer’s revolt, earth as a purgatory as well as other purgatories. We explained to her that humility was the attribute most: loved by God.
My playmates and I pray to God often. He comes around and walks unseen but we can all feel His presence amongst us. We are left with a fair amount of freedom; go fly with the birds in an environment where He has placed all kinds of cute and cuddly animals. We have so many memories to share. There’s Nadine, Maria and Dominique, Christian and Arnaud, and all our playmates. The virgin Mary comes at all times to see us. She speaks of Jesus, who is God and who went in limbo right after his passion rescue all the children out and introduce them to the glory of God.
My mother told me of my fate, the abortion and all that. But when my earth mother arrives, I’ll be there to welcome her. I was taught how earth is a terrible purgatory, where God remains hidden to such an extent that some people believe he doesn’t really exist. Our heavenly Mother greets everyone who arrives from earth. Each time she tells me the same thing: it’s like a re-birth for them. Its as though, in their heart of hearts, they had never would have dared to wish or even hope for such beauty. When my earth mother finally gets here it’ll be necessary for me that I adopt her in turn, because she will be feeling so guilty about what she had done. It will be necessary for me to show her that God knows how to transform darkness into light. I will make her a mother who will in turn adopt small, orphaned children. And… on the day of my communion maybe something else turning around in my small head: My godmother told me that people in heaven want to spend their time doing good on earth. Why couldn’t I have the same opportunity, when I finally go to heaven? I’d then go and gather the souls of all the babies who have died so they don’t suffer the same fright I had crossing the threshold of death.
Avogadro-AmpereI am Avogadro-Ampere, one of the more powerful and solemn demons of Hell. I have just read this most outlandish story. It’s enough to make a crocodile cry. Is there a rational theologian able to cross-examine this tissue of absurdities? I am responsible for bringing the innocent to my paradise of light. I come to oppose them on the day of their communion. And I shall succeed one day, I’m positive. They come here in great numbers, and more of them everyday, abandoned by their parents. Ok so I admit it, so far I haven’t been able to get one. For the time being that is but this evening, there is this Sophie, and I’m hopeful.
Sophie’s guardian angel
I am going to tell you about Sophie's coronation day. It was unique. It was unprecedented, in the annals of angel memories. The emotions we felt are the same as you yourself would experience at your own wedding.
Sophie arrived as a girl beautifully attired in her bride's dress prepared by her parents and friends: a spiritual dress made of humility, love and of every virtue which made her soul a unique pearl of the universe.
Everything began with her declaration of faith. Avogadro Ampere appeared, worthy, noble like, in his present form; in a human-like body. Sophie, I’m sure, must have looked at him. Poor Avogadro! How he struggled to show off his baubles: Nobility, freedom, power, respectability, and independence. As one would expect, it had about as much influence on Sophie as a mathematical equation on a dove. Sophie searched out her Jesus. Never had she seen Him with her eyes and it is He and only Him she wanted to see.
Jesus arrived, in his all glory, gentleness and humility. Sophie had never experienced or seen such wonder. She turned to her parents and said to them: ‘‘this by far surpasses all my expectations.’’ She ran towards Him and then Jesus introduced her to the Trinity. All of heaven’s Hosts sang out with joy. Here is their hymn: